solve for x.

published 2022 in Re:Visions.

Angel A and Angel B are hurtling towards each other at the speed of light. 

How many lightyears away from the leftmost galaxy will they be when they collide?

they live in things that spin

arrive at high noon in a corkscrew ship 

no more no less than celestial hands twisting a pepper grinder

swinging like not-pendulums

they have trajectories 



i know no religion but the hypnosis of windmills

manic disco balls at maximum velocity

they are a yo-yo whose radius keeps shrinking.

A music-box angel rolls down an inclined plane. 

If three angels stand in an equilateral triangle, at what longitude will the Xth angel land?

they navigate with brass compasses

in the wake of lax tornadoes

glamorous dung beetles they look to the stars

clockwork steamrollers flattening tar 

and i too am flattened beneath this intergalactic rolling pin that allies itself to no recipe 

they sail the aurora borealis

guided by microchips



they are circuit boards embalmed.

If a combination lock with code XX-XX-XX plays X rounds of Russian roulette for X decades, what is the probability that an angel needs a parachute to fall safely to the ground?

they have heels speckled with hiroshima debris

nuclear gears and radioactive spurs

doorknobs that don’t open the first time

they are skeleton keys in the wrong lock

wrong body

wrong closet

with veins pumping not-blood

turbines extracting energy to fuel the voyage

propellers for their own ship

they are one hundred times on the chalkboard I WILL NOT FOLLOW YOU HOME.

Angel X’s can opener can open X cans. How many cans can Angel X’s can opener open?

their circular saws perform brain surgeries 

with the grace of the man who cuts the shawarma off its turning spit

slicing the space-time continuum 

what would it take to make me them

the dart and not the dartboard

the satellite and not the globe

the shooting star and not its destination

they are cartwheeling on the surface of a planet with an unknown revolution.

Given that point X, point X, and point X are all moving on the same jazz record on the [e]x-angel’s record player, prove the alternate exterior angels theorem.

they gyrate cog-like

a carousel ride of noble steeds encircling

pierced and held in place after jousting with stripper poles

meridians traveled by cement mixers 

i know no prayer but the x-ray of twin ribcages ready to switch

the question of who is screwing who and how quickly with springs 



simple machines from a parallel dimension

they are revolving doors that blur the lines between rooms.

A rotary phone with number XXX-XXX-XXXX has an orbital radius of X

If the egg tart angel on the lazy susan spins at X decibels, will we have an equal centripetal acceleration on the equinox?

they say X marks the spot

marks the atlas

marks the starboard deck

marks the leeward side

marks the coordinates

marks the north arrow

marks the perfect place to hit the pinata to make it twirl

marks an intersection in timelines

marks a divergence 


love you

they fail to say goodbye.

If you and your [e]x-angel travel at X miles per hour for X minutes at an altitude of X feet and a weight of X pounds and a force of X newtons in the opposite direction, how many [e]x-travelers and [e]x-angels do you have to be before you can be [e]x-human?

they know that a map of the universe and a map of my neurons are not so dissimilar

a frisbee will move forward forever in space

that critical game show wheel of fortune moment

exactly at zero hour

at the choke point

at the bottlenecking

a treadmill 

paper mill 


they are the equal and opposite reaction.

If an angel chops off its wings and gives them to you, does the number of angels stay the same?